Fixed Asset Management System

Accountable, Trackable, Manageable

Fixed Asset Management System

An accounting process that seeks to track fixed assets for the purposes of financial accounting, preventive maintenance, and theft deterrence.


Fixed Asset Life Cycle

Key Features

Recom Dashboard

  • An overview of Your Assets
  • Comprehensive information with drill down capability

Recom Procurement

  • Complete detail of FIx Asset Procurement Information
  • Asset Information with Pictures & Supporting document

Recom Registration

  • Assign Asset Number for Your Assets
  • Complete the Registration by Barcode or RFID Tagging

Recom Depreciation

  • Assign Depreciation method for specific Asset Group
  • Differentiate by Commercial & Fiscal
  • Straight line & Declining Balance Method

Recom Operation

  • Asset Assignment to Division, Department, User, Location
  • Asset Status In & Out
  • Approval Process with Log History

Get your assets under control

Never lose track of an item again with our cloud-based asset management and tracking platform that adapts to the way you work.

Recom Repair & Maintenance

  • Repair & Scheduled Maintenance with Reminder
  • Insurance & Renewal Reminder
  • Maintenance Activities Record with Picture &/ Videos

Recom Audit

  • Normal & Blind Audit Capability
  • Specific Audit purpose by Property, Division, Department, or Location

Recom Disposal

Complete Asset Disposal process with Pictures & Supporting Document (Scrap or Sell)

Get in touch.
Feel free to discuss.